Committed to a Safe and Secure Environment
The Airport’s size, 任何时候的基础设施和人员数量都需要全天候的安全保障.
皇冠官方app下载国际机场公共安全部的使命是通过有效和高效的专业警察来确保对生命和财产的保护, 消防救援, security and emergency medical services to the airport community.
Fire Chief: Daniel White
Chief of Police: Brian Redburn
皇冠官方app下载 DPS Personnel Areas
Special Services
联系 皇冠官方app下载 Department of Public Safety
For emergencies on Airport property, please call 911. 如有查询及一般资料,请致电总机.
皇冠官方app下载 DPS Headquarters Office
Important DPS FAQs
How To Register a Complaint or Compliment
投诉:就一张罚单向警察投诉或称赞, 引用, 警告, or other police action:
- 赞美: 如果你看到皇冠官方app下载国际机场的警官表现出色,请告诉皇冠app官方版下载. 表扬会与员工分享,并记录在官员的个人档案中. If you are unsure of the officer’s name, 描述他/她,并列出给你留下深刻印象的具体行为或举止. 公司lude the location, date and time the incident occurred.
A citizen may speak to a supervisor regarding any compliment, in-person or by phone, at the following:
- 地址:
3600 South 20th Ave
皇冠官方app下载 Airport, Texas 75261
- 非紧急: 972-973-3210 (ask for on-duty police supervisor)
- 通过电话: +1-972-973-3532
- 通过电子邮件:
- 直接联系: Compliment Information Form
- 邮寄:
ATTN: Professional Standards
皇冠官方app下载 Police Department
P.O. 610687箱
皇冠官方app下载 Airport, Texas 75261
- 投诉: DPS关于公民投诉执法人员的程序由德克萨斯州政府法典第614章管辖, 分段B, 部分614.021, .022年和 .023规定所有投诉须以书面形式提出,并由投诉人签署. 为了保持公众的信心,该部门必须调查并妥善裁决对其雇员的投诉.
The complaint process is structured with several goals:
- Identification of employees unfit for employment
- 通过发现和纠正不合标准的表现来改善服务
- Assessing department policy and 程序
- Protecting employees against false allegations.
皇冠官方app下载国际机场警察局接受所有针对以下行为的投诉, 如果证明是真的, would be a violation of departmental regulations, 程序, rules or a violation of any applicable state law or court decisions. 任何受影响的人,如果认为违反了法律或部门政策,都可以提出投诉. Allegations may be submitted in person, by mail, by phone or e-mail. 部门不能考虑你的投诉或根据你的投诉采取行动,除非它是按照法律要求提交的. 投诉将转交给专业标准部门进行审查并安排跟进.
A citizen may speak to a supervisor regarding any complaint, in-person or by phone, at the following:
- 地址:
3600 South 20th Ave
皇冠官方app下载 Airport, Texas 75261
- 非紧急: 972-973-3210
- 通过电话: +1-972-973-3532
- 通过电子邮件:
- 直接联系: Complaint Information Form
- 邮寄:
ATTN: Professional Standards
皇冠官方app下载 Police Department
P.O. 610687箱
皇冠官方app下载 Airport, TX 75261-0687
- 除非有特殊情况,否则在指称的事件发生后九十(90)天后,一般不接受有关雇用不当行为的指控和人事投诉. 皇冠官方app下载机场警察局认真对待所有投诉,并对收到的每个投诉进行全面调查. 对执法人员提出虚假投诉违反了德克萨斯州刑法, 37节.02. 如果一个人在知情的情况下故意做出虚假的陈述, a person may be found guilty and punished by a fine up to $4,000, confinement in jail up to one year, or by both fine and imprisonment.
Possible results of an investigation are:
- 无根据的:调查认定指控是虚假的或不真实的.
- Exonerated: The investigation revealed the incident occurred, but the employee’s actions were justified, 合法的, 和适当的.
- 支持:调查披露了支持指控或违反政策的大量证据. 如果调查发现对警官的指控成立, 警察局长可评估从咨询到解雇的纪律处分, depending on the seriousness of the infraction.
国家表格(CR -3)上的交通事故报告可以在网上购买. 请获得 more information here.
- Crash reports can be found by the following information:
- Name of a person or company involved in the crash
- 肇事人员的驾驶执照/身份证号码
- 事故车辆的车辆识别号码(VIN)
- The TxDOT Crash IDs for one or more crashes
For assistance with obtaining a report from the TXDOT website, call + 1 - 844 -短剑hlp.
联系 Euless B&B Wrecker Service at +1-817-283-2121 located at following address:
1201 West Euless Blvd.
Euless, TX 76040.
从每年的1月1日开始,每12个月计算一次误报. 在第八次报警后,并书面通知业主/操作员, 公共安全部(DPS)将在九十(90)天内对此类警报的处所不予回应. At the end of the ninety (90) day period, 业主/经营者可向公共安全部申请在该日历年的剩余时间内恢复警报. Reinstatement of an alarm requires that the owner/operator provide documentation that said alarm has been repaired and is in proper operational condition; and payment of a $25.00 reinstatement fee.
False Security Alarm Charges
- 1 to 3 occurrences: No Charge
- 4 to 5 occurrences: $50 per response
- 6 to 7 occurrences: $75 per response
- 8 occurrences: $100 per response
- Over 8 occurrence: No DPS response
Request for Public Information
For those requesting information under the Texas Government Code, 第552章, Public Information Act, please click on this link to fill out an online request form.
- 问题: +1-972-973-5480
3600 South 20th Avenue
皇冠官方app下载 Airport, Texas 75261
Information may be obtained by calling +1-972-973-3533 and choosing option #8 for jail/bond information.
皇冠官方app下载 警察服务 hosts two Citizen Police Academies. One in the Spring and one in the Fall. The Academy meets once a week for 12 weeks. 联系 for more information.